Fun Sports [English]

Sailing in The NYC

We were sailing with the Schooner America 2.0 last Thursday. Schooner America 2.0 is remake of the boat, that won first America’s Cup trophy back in 1851. She seems to be the pride of Manhattan sailing fleet – 105 feet and 3600 square feet of sail!

Fun Sports [Slovensko]

Po sonce na kraški rob

Od primorske vasice Zazid na vrh 804 m visokega Lipnika nad kraškim robom sva si zmerno do pretežno bolna včeraj prisončila sprehod. Hribček ni niti visok niti strm in zato ravno pravšnji za počasi hodeče bolne dušce.

Fun Sports [English]

Almost an Ordinary Sunday Run… With Nike+ SportWatch

Weekend was long, since I was under writing pressure. But despite all stressy and messy thoughts, I managed to finish my text around noon today and the whole Sunday afternoon was there waiting for me. Since I didn’t feel very well, the first and the most important thing on the todo list was running.