Fun [English]

Hello World

It was years of imagination how would it be like, management of expectancy, planning of what could have been cool and reasoning why shouldn’t I start blogging—that is intensively textualizing in widest cultural-studies-understanding of text and posting my alter-egoistic attitudes into the Digital.

I Will (Never) Blog

Once I’ve firmly decided, that blogging is kind of passé  and that there is not enough interests, that would thrill me to blab about… Well, just that I’ve decided not to do it, my head and my hands instantly stuck with this blog. Why did it happen exactly, I don’t know. But it might have something to do with searching the rhyme with my name. (Please, correct me, if I’m wrong, but no slovenian word rhymes with Katja?)

The Rhyme and the Man

Two years ago dearest and sweetest M and her sun coined the rhyme Katja-Škratja. Yes! Feeling of finally having my own rhyme was so nice, that I bought the domain immediately… A year later Škrat (engl. “dwarf”) suddenly entered my world and it was is nice and therefore Škratja (engl. “dwarfee”) became pleasant everyday mind-jingle.

Trilingual Echoing

My alter-egoistic Self now echoes louder and louder, and suddenly here it is: Škratja is shaping an online playground to herself, where slovenian, german and english is spoken. Just as in her vibrant language everyday.


Therefore, farewell, dear just another weblog *clicks publish*

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