* Tweeting in everyday life Books User experience [Slovensko]

Samoreprezentacija in digitalna kultura (recenzija)

Self-representation and digital culture je monografija Nancy Thumim, objavljena na podlagi doktorske raziskave, v kateri se avtorica posveča razsežnostim mediatizacije in samoreprezentacije v digitalni kulturi. Recenzijo knjige sem napisala za revijo Teorija in praksa.

* Tweeting in everyday life Books [Deutsch]

Warum ich twittere?

Keine Ahnung, weshalb ich noch immer auf Twitter bin. Ich habe sowieso zu wenig Zeit oder will mir nur selten Zeit für Twittern nehmen. Genauso wie mir nicht klar ist, warum ich meinen Facebook-Account nicht sperren kann … Im Buch von Hannelore Bublitz “Im Beichtstuhl der Medien” lese ich meiner Meinung ansprechende soziologische These, was hinter der Anziehungskraft sozialer Netze tatsächlich steckt.

* Tweeting in everyday life Books [English]

Thomas Luckmann is Tomaž from Jesenice, Slovenia #didntknow

Alfred Schütz and Thomas Luckmann are social scientists, probably well-known to everyone with interest in humanities and social sciences. I was just reading their book The Structures of the Life-World, that would be one on the theoretical grounds in my PhD. Their book is about forming social spaces through communication (a very rough description) and was written, technically, by Luckmann after Schütz’s death, based on Schütz’s notes and with the assistance of his widow.