Food Fun Movies [Slovensko]


Odprava zelenega zmaja, odeta v veselo škratjo opravo, je prek slovenske Koroške in slovenske Štajerske prišofirala v Prlekijo. Najin cilj so bili Jerneja *hug*, dobra hrana *check*, vino *check* in vse grozljivo *check*.

Opomba za neznalce

Za vse neznalce, ignorante in one, ki se nočejo zameriti kateremu od dveh velikih pomurskih plemen: Prlekija je tisti del Slovenije, ki leži med Štajersko in desnim bregom Mure; Prekmurje se prične onkraj levega Murinega brega in se razteza do Madžarske – gulaš in sziget festival! :) Pomni: nevarno je Prleka zmerjati s Prekmurcem ali obratno.

Love Music [English]

Back to Black

Back to black is the vibrating love song with a beautiful soul and one of my favourite songs; from the thrilling Back to Black album, sang by the great performer Amy Winehouse. Sadly, yesterday she went back to black. In memoriam, Lady Amy.

* Tweeting in everyday life [English]

Tweeting Context and Barrier

Presentation on “What makes us Tweet?” was the  first public revelation of my project outside of the University. Of course I was nervous, but I was also excited and glad that I did it. It was the 3rd Ljubljana Barcamp on Friday, July 15th. Some friends, colleagues and many (online) acquaintances were there.

* Tweeting in everyday life [English]

It Happens in Everyday-Life

Tweeting has become a pretty normal activity of all, who are sympathizing with the social media, since we found it handy and beneficial for achieving our personal, emotional and social, or professional etc. goals. Since it can and should be used “on the go”, it is extensively integrated into the Everyday-Life and strongly dependent of user’ s respective situation.