Fun Love User experience [English]

Love Revival #railsgirlslj

On Friday started first edition of Rails Girls Ljubljana, a workshop about Ruby on Rails. After Friday’s installation party, on Saturday started the real fun. Checking on css, html and “the real code” again, reminded me, what was the most exciting and fun part of my job in the web industry – playing in the lines, playing with the code!

Love Music [English]

Farewell to Another Dimension, Yauch

MC Adam Yauch of Beastie Boys, my favourite band since I was 16, dies on Friday. More:

Fun Love [English]

This Is Not a Love Post

I don’t love the busy and smelly tourist city of Venice, although I like its exhibitions, little lonely streets and canals in late summer afternoons. Strolling in parks away from the crowded San Marco, watching the blue skies and yellow houses, while holding his hand, made Venice more than bearable. The rationalizing goal of visiting international art exhibition suddenly turned into überkitschig movie scenery. <3

Love Music [English]

Back to Black

Back to black is the vibrating love song with a beautiful soul and one of my favourite songs; from the thrilling Back to Black album, sang by the great performer Amy Winehouse. Sadly, yesterday she went back to black. In memoriam, Lady Amy.

Love Movies [Slovensko]

Tam nekje v nedeljo

Stephen Dorff at the 2008 Toronto Internationa...
Image via Wikipedia

Sofia Coppola je po Izgubljeno s prevodom (Lost in Translation, 2003) ponovno ustvarila enega zame najlepših filmov: Tam nekje (Somewhere, 2010), ki se je pravkar odvrtel in nežno pretvoril precej naporen vikend v pisan, a spokojen nedeljski večer.

Gladka, finotekoča življenjska zgodba, pripovedovana skozi samost in osamljenost uspešnega igralca Johnnyja Marca, deca v najboljšem pomenu besede, ki v očeh okolice predstavlja nadseksi supersamca. (Igra ga božansko lep Stephen Dorff, ki je – nič se ne bom delala fine – sanjski dečko!)

Love [Slovensko]


Vsakokrat ko me pogledaš,
zanetiš moj drob,

moje temno, skrito bistvo
iztrgaš telesu.

Love Music [Slovensko]

Mali moj

Mlad si in vznemirljivo svež, da večkrat skrivaj zrem vate. Še večkrat si v mislih želim tvoje bližine in hrepenim po najinem času.

Saj veš, tisti prekratki dolgi večeri, ko poslušava skladbo za skladbo. Predvajaš mi Slasheve posnetke, razlagaš o najboljših kitarskih solih. Nato vzameš kitaro in mi zaigraš enkrat, dvakrat, … sedemindvajsetkrat. Ah, kako ljubim ta žar, tvojo strast in misel, ki napolnijo sobo, kjer govoriva o glasbi. Vsakokrat ti zato med pogovorom ukradem žarek te svetlobe in ga spravim zase.