With 31 I was ripe enough to visit the NYC. It happened after some months of my life, where change and work were one of the seldom constants of my living. The stressy’n’messy (but also awesome!) period ended with an ugly cold, that has been upgraded to bronchitis as soon as we landed in the USA: Sunday’s sprints at the Boston airport to catch connecting flight to the JFK airport and then Monday’s rushing through Manhattan subway stations haven’t done any good to me.
Author: Katja
MC Adam Yauch of Beastie Boys, my favourite band since I was 16, dies on Friday. More: www.beastieboys.com
Lying in bed at noon on Sunday confirms more than successful planning of this saturdaying. What is saturdaying? Slovenian word for it would be sobotkanje and my suggestion for German dictionaries is Samstagern (in Switzerland there is a village with this hip name). This very special weekend mode can include as many of your favourite activities as you like it or it can consist of 100-percent of doing nothing. Anything and everything, as long as you are enjoying yourself without having a second thought on your general life-work concerns.
Keine Ahnung, weshalb ich noch immer auf Twitter bin. Ich habe sowieso zu wenig Zeit oder will mir nur selten Zeit für Twittern nehmen. Genauso wie mir nicht klar ist, warum ich meinen Facebook-Account nicht sperren kann … Im Buch von Hannelore Bublitz “Im Beichtstuhl der Medien” lese ich meiner Meinung ansprechende soziologische These, was hinter der Anziehungskraft sozialer Netze tatsächlich steckt.
Po sonce na kraški rob
Od primorske vasice Zazid na vrh 804 m visokega Lipnika nad kraškim robom sva si zmerno do pretežno bolna včeraj prisončila sprehod. Hribček ni niti visok niti strm in zato ravno pravšnji za počasi hodeče bolne dušce.
Ko sem še nabirala kilometrino pri zasnovi in izvedbi spletnih mest na Innovatifu, je med njimi bilo manj takih, ki so nagovarjala otroke. In kadar sem načrtovala s fokusom na zelo mlade uporabnike interneta, se nisem načrtno poglabljala v prilagajanje uporabniškega vmesnika otroku. (No, tole je morda lušna izjema: Tosemjaz.net.)
Vprašanje je, ali bi se morala. Kakšna je uporabniška izkušnja otrok oziroma imajo otroci na internetu enake vzgibe in sledijo podobnim scenarijem kot odrasli uporabniki?
East of Eden, title of Steinbeck’s well-known novel describes well, how does it feel to be in the Turkey’s far east, on the border with Armenia, Iran, Iraq and Syria.
Weekend was long, since I was under writing pressure. But despite all stressy and messy thoughts, I managed to finish my text around noon today and the whole Sunday afternoon was there waiting for me. Since I didn’t feel very well, the first and the most important thing on the todo list was running.
Alfred Schütz and Thomas Luckmann are social scientists, probably well-known to everyone with interest in humanities and social sciences. I was just reading their book The Structures of the Life-World, that would be one on the theoretical grounds in my PhD. Their book is about forming social spaces through communication (a very rough description) and was written, technically, by Luckmann after Schütz’s death, based on Schütz’s notes and with the assistance of his widow.
I don’t love the busy and smelly tourist city of Venice, although I like its exhibitions, little lonely streets and canals in late summer afternoons. Strolling in parks away from the crowded San Marco, watching the blue skies and yellow houses, while holding his hand, made Venice more than bearable. The rationalizing goal of visiting international art exhibition suddenly turned into überkitschig movie scenery. <3