Love Movies [Slovensko]

Tam nekje v nedeljo

Stephen Dorff at the 2008 Toronto Internationa...
Image via Wikipedia

Sofia Coppola je po Izgubljeno s prevodom (Lost in Translation, 2003) ponovno ustvarila enega zame najlepših filmov: Tam nekje (Somewhere, 2010), ki se je pravkar odvrtel in nežno pretvoril precej naporen vikend v pisan, a spokojen nedeljski večer.

Gladka, finotekoča življenjska zgodba, pripovedovana skozi samost in osamljenost uspešnega igralca Johnnyja Marca, deca v najboljšem pomenu besede, ki v očeh okolice predstavlja nadseksi supersamca. (Igra ga božansko lep Stephen Dorff, ki je – nič se ne bom delala fine – sanjski dečko!)

* Tweeting in everyday life [English]

Survive PhD

Every graduate student knows (or should know), that writing PhD is just another job. It shouldn’t be (too much) drama and it must not by any chance expand in to somebody’s life-time trauma. But… There is always a but! ;)

* Tweeting in everyday life [English]

Worlds, Plural Noun Form

Just now, sitting at my desk in Klagenfurt, catching this fabulous view over grey rainy town, hills and mountains, listening to the latest Episode on Diana’s podcast and reading Bangkok Post Article about Saudi woman, who defies driving ban… That highlights questions about the world, we are living in. Are we by any chance aware, that there is something out there for us Europeans, behind the European borders?

Love [Slovensko]


Vsakokrat ko me pogledaš,
zanetiš moj drob,

moje temno, skrito bistvo
iztrgaš telesu.

Food [English]


Since I’ve already posted one recipe in German language, I guess, I would like to believe, that I owe the interwebz one in English. This one is about “buhtlji”. Buhtlji pl. (sg. is buhtelj) are jam-donuts—baked in an oven, not fried :-)

Love Music [Slovensko]

Mali moj

Mlad si in vznemirljivo svež, da večkrat skrivaj zrem vate. Še večkrat si v mislih želim tvoje bližine in hrepenim po najinem času.

Saj veš, tisti prekratki dolgi večeri, ko poslušava skladbo za skladbo. Predvajaš mi Slasheve posnetke, razlagaš o najboljših kitarskih solih. Nato vzameš kitaro in mi zaigraš enkrat, dvakrat, … sedemindvajsetkrat. Ah, kako ljubim ta žar, tvojo strast in misel, ki napolnijo sobo, kjer govoriva o glasbi. Vsakokrat ti zato med pogovorom ukradem žarek te svetlobe in ga spravim zase.

Fun [Slovensko]

Pohod spominov in tovarištva

Včeraj sem s tovariši: @skrat (Moj najtovariš), @sparkica (Supertovarišica), @valentinbufolin (Komisar za vino), Dačka (Komisarka za točnost), Živa (Najmlajša tovarišica pohodnica), Alain (Vodja prehrane) in Špela (Sekretarka za interier), prekorakala 35 km poti okrog Ljubljane. Na začetku je bil korak strumen in odločen, proti koncu zaradi bolečin malo počasnejši … A nasmeh in smeh nas v sedmih urah nista zapustila oziroma sta se ob hladnem pivu in obloženi mizi v turški restavraciji Tildiz Han le še okrepila!

Rants [English]

World-Weariness, Weltschmerz, Svetobolje

After I am getting this unpleasant feeling, that the frequency of catastrophes, serious political clashes and wars is getting extremely higher worldwide, and that a-political behaviour is flooding the small country of my origin, I am becoming extremely sad. World-weariness (sl. svetobolje, ger. Weltschmerz) is spreading over my blue spirit. But what can I do? I know that ignorance is not quite the best answer. (All though she can be such a bliss!)

Some people I meet and follow these days are not ignorant at all. But they should be.

Movies [English]


Few weeks ago we were cuddling through the evening on our bed+couch and watching a proper american romance/drama/comedy  Happythankyoumoreplease. And we’ve enjoyed it. Yes, even Škrat and my very sarcastic+cynic world view did both enjoy it! *recommends*

Food [Deutsch]

Torte oder Kuchen?

Wann sagt man auf Deutsch Torte und wann wird Kuchen benutzt, wird mir noch immer nicht klar. Bis jetzt habe ich nur das gelernt, dass Sacher immer nur eine Torte und nie einen Sacher Kuchen ist.