* Tweeting in everyday life Fun Life online [Slovensko]

Vstopnica za participacijo na spletu (esej)

V publikaciji, nastali po okrogli mizi o internetu in prihodnosti demokracije v Ljubljani, je izšel tudi moj esej o dvojni funkciji nastopa osebe (samoreprezentacije) na družbenih omrežjih. Spletna omrežja spodbujajo hiper-mediatizacijo vsakdanjega življenja in poplavljanje spletnih omrežij z osebnimi pripovedmi; hkrati pa participacija v spletnih omrežjih uporabniku daje dostop do “orodij” za družbeni oziroma politični angažma. Zvezek “Politika 2.0: Internet in prihodnost demokracije” je v slovenščini in nemščini uredil Kristian Donko, izdajo sta konec lanskega leta podprla Filozofska fakulteta in Goethe Institut v Ljubljani.

* Tweeting in everyday life [English]

Who are Twitter users

Twitter users and their online behaviour are objects of the survey Tweeting in everyday life. This post reveals basic descriptive information about the Twitter users, who took part in the survey, but I’m already working on discovering patterns in the data, that reveal different types of tweeting subjects, such as “self-narrators”, “super tweeps”, “negativists” or “reactionists” and their habits. Nevertheless, let’s see first where they come from and with whom and about what they prefer to tweet …

* Tweeting in everyday life [English]

Twitter growth visualization

Working on a little Twitter research that is sooner or later going to be materialised in a form of an article, a phd-thesis, booklet or website, I found and put together some numbers to reveal the basic pattern of Twitter growth. It looks like the great expansion of Twitter has began in 2011.

* Tweeting in everyday life Books User experience [Slovensko]

Samoreprezentacija in digitalna kultura (recenzija)

Self-representation and digital culture je monografija Nancy Thumim, objavljena na podlagi doktorske raziskave, v kateri se avtorica posveča razsežnostim mediatizacije in samoreprezentacije v digitalni kulturi. Recenzijo knjige sem napisala za revijo Teorija in praksa.

* Tweeting in everyday life Books [Deutsch]

Warum ich twittere?

Keine Ahnung, weshalb ich noch immer auf Twitter bin. Ich habe sowieso zu wenig Zeit oder will mir nur selten Zeit für Twittern nehmen. Genauso wie mir nicht klar ist, warum ich meinen Facebook-Account nicht sperren kann … Im Buch von Hannelore Bublitz “Im Beichtstuhl der Medien” lese ich meiner Meinung ansprechende soziologische These, was hinter der Anziehungskraft sozialer Netze tatsächlich steckt.

* Tweeting in everyday life Books [English]

Thomas Luckmann is Tomaž from Jesenice, Slovenia #didntknow

Alfred Schütz and Thomas Luckmann are social scientists, probably well-known to everyone with interest in humanities and social sciences. I was just reading their book The Structures of the Life-World, that would be one on the theoretical grounds in my PhD. Their book is about forming social spaces through communication (a very rough description) and was written, technically, by Luckmann after Schütz’s death, based on Schütz’s notes and with the assistance of his widow.

* Tweeting in everyday life [English]

Tweeting Context and Barrier

Presentation on “What makes us Tweet?” was the  first public revelation of my project outside of the University. Of course I was nervous, but I was also excited and glad that I did it. It was the 3rd Ljubljana Barcamp on Friday, July 15th. Some friends, colleagues and many (online) acquaintances were there.

* Tweeting in everyday life [English]

It Happens in Everyday-Life

Tweeting has become a pretty normal activity of all, who are sympathizing with the social media, since we found it handy and beneficial for achieving our personal, emotional and social, or professional etc. goals. Since it can and should be used “on the go”, it is extensively integrated into the Everyday-Life and strongly dependent of user’ s respective situation.

* Tweeting in everyday life [English]

Survive PhD

Every graduate student knows (or should know), that writing PhD is just another job. It shouldn’t be (too much) drama and it must not by any chance expand in to somebody’s life-time trauma. But… There is always a but! ;)

* Tweeting in everyday life [English]

Worlds, Plural Noun Form

Just now, sitting at my desk in Klagenfurt, catching this fabulous view over grey rainy town, hills and mountains, listening to the latest Episode on Diana’s podcast and reading Bangkok Post Article about Saudi woman, who defies driving ban… That highlights questions about the world, we are living in. Are we by any chance aware, that there is something out there for us Europeans, behind the European borders?